Life just seams to be flying by. The time since I last posted has been AWESOME. Before I dig into all of the happenings I want to shout out to all the people in France who read this blog!  Rien que de l’amour pour tous les Français et surtout pour les parisiens qui lisent ce blog. Je t’aime et ton pays. 🙂

So last month we had the big State Farm Show in town. It was called the Expointer. A quick video from that!

For Labor Day weekend I went to Chile. Skiing in the Andes at Valle Nevado!

Chile was amazing. Santiago is a beautiful city and the Andes just to the east are breath taking. I went up to the Sky Costanera along with the National Museum of Fine Arts. Just a great trip I cannot begin to describe. But one story I do want to tell is about this Australian Olympian’s dad.

So I check into my AirBnB and there is this guy sitting there. Turns out he his the father of this Olympic skier who was training in the Chilean mountains. We talked all about life over the next few days. Really gives you perspective about the different walks of life and peoples’ stories. Wish I would have got a picture with him, but I did not. But Boyd Small will always be someone I remember as I look for his daughter to win a medal in 2020!

Next came my birthday and boy what a time! My buddy Matt came down from Baltimore to visit and we had a blast.

A few Saturdays ago we went to the Farroupilha Festival which celebrates the Gaucho culture of Rio Grande do Sol (the state I live in). The next day we went to the Grenal game between Gremio and International. These are the two soccer teams in town and it is more of a rival than Yankess/ Red Sox or Ohio State/ Michigan!

Our fun also included golfing, cuban cigars, massages…

and a Sublime concert!


We ended Matt’s stay with a birthday party last Saturday.

Also, still got the BJJ going on!

